Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cool news: Spike - phase 6

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I just simply haven't had the time.
Well, Spike is now in phase 6! And will possibly be in 7 by tomorrow. I am increasingly getting more and more excited!

And now for the totally awesome news-- Spike was the demo dog at the Oregon Fall Luncheon on November 5th. Kyle's raiser saw a post someone wrote on a yahoo list about the event, which mentioned Spike as the featured dog. He was demonstrating "Intelligent Disobedience" in front of the audience.

Since Kyle's raiser told me about it, I've been watching Guide Dogs' flickr like a hawk for the last couple weeks, and last night, they finally posted some pictures! So here is a picture of my handsome boy in his harness on stage at the Luncheon!

I promise I'll post part 2 of Kyle's visit soon!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A weekend friend

Kyle joined us this weekend, and we had a blast! Clyde finally got someone to play with, and he thoroughly enjoyed having him over.

He came over on Thursday, and that evening, my family decided to go to Cornbelly's. We ended up taking both Kyle and Clyde. Kyle was a TOTAL angel. My 9-year-old brother was able to walk him around with no problem whatsoever. And Clyde actually did pretty well. Not nearly as good as Kyle, but pretty dang good.
At Cornbelly's, they have this giant rocking chair. So I hoisted the pups up and squeezed in between them. It was pretty cold outside, and being between the two of them, I was extremely warm, and didn't want to move!
We also went through a corn maze, which was pretty fun, except that it was so dark we could hardly see!
We also went on a hayride and a weird tractor-pull type ride. The pups seemed to enjoy themselves. Especially Clyde, who was trying to eat the straw!

I love this picture, because you can see
a piece of straw sticking out Clyde's nose!

That was our first day with Kyle. I've got some more to tell, but I am really tired! So keep an eye out for part 2. :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

5 things at 5 months

YES! That is correct. Clyde is 5 months old today!
I CANNOT believe I've already had him for this long. I remember the day Spike turned 5 months.. I can't believe that was over a year ago. And now my 2nd puppy is 5 months.

1. I LOVE the wavy hair on his back. I just think it's so cute and adds personality.2. He STILL hasn't had any accidents while out in public, and hasn't had any accidents in the house for about a month and a half.
3. I love that he warns me when he needs to potty while we're out. When he needs to go, he'll usually walk in front of me to get me to stop walking, and look up at me. This is probably a big reason why he hasn't had any accidents yet.
4. He seems to love "holding hands" with my sister. The other day, he kept putting his paw on her hand. She kept trying to drop it, but he would immediately bring his paw back up and into her hand. I thought it was so stinkin' cute! I wish I had a video camera when he was doing it. My sister claims that she hasn't been trying to teach him "shake", but I'm starting to have my doubts..
5. He his now pro at "down" and does it about 99% of the time, even when in public! (Though, I haven't tried it in the presence of other dogs, aside from my own, yet.)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spike: Phase 4

Spike is in phase 4! So he is half-way done!

Go Spike!

My sister says Spike made a great chair. :)

In other news:
Clyde lost both of his top canine teeth today, one of which he lost as I was uploading the picture. I think he was determined to lose it. He had been chewing his nylabone non-stop for 10 minutes straight, and as soon as the tooth was out and on the ground, he laid on his back and fell asleep. (This is where his "weirdo" nickname comes into play)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Where did my puppy go?

How did this 23lbs baby

turn into this 40lbs monster in 2 1/2 months?
I got ripped off! I didn't get enough baby puppy time. ;)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weigh in: 21 weeks

I have been really terrible at keeping track of his weight. But this week, he weighed in at exactly 40lbs, which means he has gained 9lbs in about 5 weeks.

Since his growing has obviously slowed down, I'm just going to start weighing him bimonthly. I'll be weighing him on the 8th and the 23rd of each month (his month day[23rd] and half-month day[8th]) starting on Saturday.